AHS Arena Guidelines

Mar. 03, 2021


Hello Phantoms families


Welcome to the skills and drills for March. We as a board appreciate your understanding as we try to navigate the AHS and arena policies. Our goal is to get kids back on the floor and lacrosse back in our community. The arena and AHS have very specific protocols that we must adhere to or face fines and expulsion from the arena.


Please read the protocol and explain to your player the necessary measures prior to Monday so they understand the expectations.


At this time there are NO parents or spectators allowed in the arena and no access to change rooms.

Players are to arrive at the arena no earlier than 15 minutes before their scheduled floor time.

All players must come dressed for lacrosse with the exception of helmet, mouth guard, gloves and stick which can be in a sports bag.


Players will meet outside with their coach who will make sure all covid contact tracing sheets have been sent in and take attendance. We will be using RAMP contact tracing App which your coach will send an e mail for you to join. Players will not be allowed in the arena with out the form being sent so please ensure this is done before every floor time.


For U6 and U8 there will be a group volunteer to accompany players to the washroom or assit with equipment.


All coaches and volunteers must wear a mask at all times in the arena and players must wear a mask before and after they are on the floor with helmets. Anyone entering and exiting must hand sanitize at the marked stations or bring from home.


Coaches and players for the scheduled times are the only ones permitted on the arena floor.


Players will be guided by their coaches in through the lobby and enter the red arena assigned area where they can dress and leave their sports bag along with their masks. Players are required to provide their own filled and labelled water bottle.


Players will have 10 mins to exit from the players bench coming out side the red arena on the south side. Players can get their street shoes on and exit the building without having to exit through the lobby.


Players are reminded to not touch lacrosse balls with bare hands and to not bring personal lacrosse balls to practices. Physical distancing of 3 meters on and off the floor must be maintained.


We will keep you apprise to any changes and hope to enter new reopening stages within the coming weeks.



Dara Gooder IMLA President


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