Kovacs Award

The Kovacs Award was established in 2009 in recognition of Tom Kovacs.  Tom was instrumental in bringing the game of lacrosse to the Town of Innisfail and establishing the IMLA. 


The recipient of this award can be any member in good standing, past or present, of the IMLA who exhibits fair play, good sportsmanship, integrity and a love and dedication to the game of lacrosse.



2023 The Mackie Family
2022 Robbi-Lee Meeds
2019 X
2018 Daryle Zimmer
2017 Shawna Kelly-Bouchard
2016 Marlane Quinton

Dara Gooder

  • Thank you for your efforts toward player development camps, fundraising and your commitment to the IMLA Board of Directors, players and bench.

Heather Stauffer

  • Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the board, bench and players.

Mandy Mitchell

  • Thank You for your years of service as a Board Member, Tournament Coordinator and Volunteer


Becky Grabill 

  • Congratulations Becky and Thank You for your years of Volunteering

Michelle Waters

  • Thank you Michelle for all your years of service as a Board Member, Volunteer and Webmaster


George and Debbie Mathie

  • Thank You both for all your years of Service to IMLA


Kari Christensen

  • Thank you for all your hard work and effort promoting Lacrosse and IMLA


 2019 Kovac Award Nomination form is here


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